Monday, August 3, 2009

Last weekend in NYC

So here I am, My last last week in NYC. So sad, it went by so fast it's disappointing. It's like I've said a million times, I want to stay here forever the only reason I want to come back is to see everyone.

Since this past weekend was our last one, Rachel and I wanted to go big or go home (literally). Friday night we met up with some of the other Iowa Staters.. (Cherrie and Jamie) and our friend David along with his two friends that were visiting from out of town. We went out to dinner at this place called Brother Jimmy's it was hickory park food meets Spring Break beach joint (wooden tables, Pineapple willies type feel) meets NYC. It was VERY fun, and we of course had to hit up our favorite piano bar in Times Square where they are recognizing our faces and we no longer have to pay cover. Ha.

Saturday, Rachel and i finally went on a mini shopping spree. After being here the whole summer and not buying anything for ourselves we figured we better get some shopping in while we are here. We ate lunch at the famous "Cafeteria" restaurant (from sex and the city). It was very good and I wish we would have went more than once. It is always fun just getting out of our area and wandering around the different Neighborhoods in Manhattan. The city is just full of so many places to experience.

Saturday night we went to this SUPER fun bar down the street from our place, because they were have a drink special ($1 drinks... that is the biggest steal I've ever seen in NYC) While there, we made a guy friend who bought all of our drinks. We finally find a guy to buy us drinks after the entire summer and they were only a dollar. Where was he when we were paying $8 a drink!
We later met up with Cherrie and her Romi and friends down at a Karaoke Bar, where we rented our own private room. SO this basically us all just belting it out to every song that came on, which is just my style.

Sunday we finally made it to a Mets game. We got all decked out and bought hats and shirts, it was very fun. It rained all day but finally got sunny so we got to see the game, even though we lost. And yes I say we, because I'm a total mets fan now ha.

Anyway, it is hard to believe that I am going to be leaving all this behind in just a few days. I don't want it to be over.

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