Friday, July 23, 2010


So, I'm pretty good about growing suspense between my blog entries. a few months passing is staying pretty consistent. Always good to be consistent. So I'll skip the catch up of the past few months and get straight to the point.

I just moved to Chicago 2 weeks ago. OBSESSED, as usual, with city life. . So, I started a job that turned out to be shady mcgrady. I talked it out with my Mom and decided I didn't go to school for 5...yes, 5 years to be that miserable. It wasn't even "I can stick it out for a year" quality. But after the first weekend here with my roomate, Aaron, and the rest of the boys...they had me convinced this is where I need to be...even if I am living on the southside and stick out like a sore thumb.

So, as I began my days of laying around the apartment I decided to join the "Chi O Alumnae of Downtown Chicago". Ha, yes...that happened. So as I was talking to the president of the group, I told her my situation and that day she sent me a link to an internship she came across, I applied and got a response the next day. After showing my parents and Romano, EVERYONE is convinced it is my true calling. After an intense phone interview that left my brain on fire, I scored a 2nd interview next week. <--check it out.

So, for now I am in the process of getting a waitressing job. Even tho I thought Hickory Park was the end of my waitressing career, I guess I spoke too soon. I feel like such a free spirit. Just living in the city, waitressing and kind of just enjoying life right now. Crossing my fingers for this bomb internship.

Romano and I have decided to make this living arrangment permanent. My bedroom=the living room but it's not all that bad. Down the road we might transfer to a 2 bedroom but we are enjoying what we have right now. He really enjoys it as I am basically a stay at home wife currently.. I have come to realize why stay at home Mom's houses are always soo clean!

From now on, the blogs won't be this long but as usual I'm playing catch-up and I think Romano wants to chime in from time to time. It might turn into Apt. 906 confessionals so prepare yourself.

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