Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Iowa. Again.

First I just want to say I cannot WAIT to start blogging on my computer. So I can upload pictures onto the blog. Not to mention, upload a new "Profile" pic. I cringe everytime I look at the one I have now.

I am currently in Iowa. I came home last weekend for a wedding. Tiff and Cam :) Can't believe one of my close friends is actually married, because a wedding of my own seems like IONS away. Which I'm totally okay with. But somehow while here, picked up a bug and have been spending the days on the couch with a super sore throat.

Still just continuing the job search. Starting to expand my horizons back to the New York Area. It's just always in the back of my mind that I miss it. I keep telling myself that I can live somewhere else for a while and after some experience..not to mention, after some savings, I can go back there. But If you know me I am such an I WANT IT NOW personality. SO i keep talking myself back down to just chill. I need to remember I am young and if all works out as planned, I have my entire life ahead.

So. I randomly follow this blog, I don't know how I found it, or when I found it but i've been following this girl for like a year. I want to say she is in her late 20's and lives in Des Moines and she is just funky and fun. She, like me, is very inconsistant on the updates and decided to start blogging for a straight 30 days. She found a website that gives prompts on what to blog about each day. So I'm going to jump on that band wagon. I know I have already written a lot today and my life isn't really that exciting for you to spend 10 minutes reading a I'll make it quick

Who is the oldest person you know? My Great Grandma. I was actually lucky enough to know all but one of my great grandparents. And one is still living. She is in the upper 90's and is still so healthy. She has never had a drivers license and up until like last year she would walk to get her mail and groceries all the time. She is a sweet old lady, who still lives on her own and although she is occassionally known for dialing the remote instead of the telephone, and can't hear worth a damn she is still wise beyond her years :) And I will always cherish my childhood on her porchswing.

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