Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 1

Well. Welcome to Day 1 of the next 30 days. I am VOWING to write at least one excerpt everyday for the next 30.

Although I don't have a job, I still somehow "never have time to write". Between applying for jobs, being Dan Kunkel's slave and catching up on Gossip Girl re-runs I'm just super busy. haha.

I'm still on the job hunt. (trust me I'm just as tired of that being the only thing to write about as you are.) My dad just can't grasp why I don't settle for any job that comes my way. But I would like to have a little more respect for myself than $12 dollars an hour.

I have broadened my job search to more than just event planning and PR. But still have to reassure myself that a few years of doing not what I want exactly.. won't kill me. I just want to make sure that I am finding a job that is contributing to the bigger picture of my grand career path.

1 comment:

  1. Gave you a blog award to day, stop by my blog to see.
